HIP HOP II Grasshopper Rx. 900 Mhz. 7 - Ch. Receiver
( All Outputs are Programmable ) 7 - Servo Outputs 2 - Amplified Actuator Outputs 1 - 150 Ohm Actuator Output With a 3 Amp Speed Control for a Brushed Motor And an output for a Brushless Motor controller. With large Solderable Pads for Wires Add $20.00 for Rudder Actuator Amp if needed 10mm. x 10mm. x 2mm / Weight 175 to 185mg. Comes With #29 Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor
Part # Rx HH II G 7-Ch...................................................$65.00
HIP HOP II Micro Rabbit Rx. 900 Mhz. 7 - Ch. Receiver
( All Outputs are Programmable ) 7 - Servo Outputs 3 - 150 Ohm Actuator Outputs With a .9 Amp Speed Control for a Brushed Motor And an output for a Brushless Motor controller. 5mm. x 5mm. x 2.5mm / Weight 100 to 120mg. Comes With Litz Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor
Part # Rx HH II R-7-Ch...................................................$75.00
( 2.4 Ghz. DSM-2 Receivers )
( Z-Tron Receivers are Not Available at this time )
Z-TRON 2.4 Ghz. DSM-2 , 3 or 4-Channel Actuator Rec.
Option ( 1 ) 4 - Channel 3 Amp Brushed Motor Speed Control Servo Output for Aileron Control ( 2 ) Amplified Actuator Outputs for Elevator & Rudder Option ( 2 ) 3 - Channel 3 Amp Brushed Motor Speed Control Output for a Brushless Motor Controller ( 2 ) Amplified Actuator Outputs for Aileron & Elevator And Soft Motor shut Down @ Low Battery 13mm. x 11mm. x 2.5mm. 280mg With #29 Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor
Part # Rx Z-T Act/Servo- __........................................$58.00
Z-TRON 2.4 Ghz. DSM-2 , 4-Channel Servo Rec.
With a 3 Amp Brushed Motor Speed Control 3 Servo Outputs Aileron , Elevator, & Rudder And an output for a Brushless Motor Controller And Soft Motor shut Down @ Low Battery 12mm. x 13mm. x 1.2mm. 250mg Comes With #29 Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor
Part # Rx. Z-T 4CH Servo...........................................$58.00
Z-TRON 2.4 Ghz. DSM-2 , 2-Ch Twin Motor Steering
With ( 2 ) 3 Amp Brushed Motor Speed Control And Soft Motor shut Down @ Low Battery 12mm. x 13mm. x 1.2mm. 250mg Comes With #29 Wires for Battery and Brushed Motors
Part # Rx. Z-T 2Ch T.M.S...........................................$58.00
Z-Tron Mini DSM-2 / 4- Channel Servo Receiver
4 - Channel with - (4) ( 1.25 mm Servo Plugs )
Also a 4 Amp Fail Safe Brushed Motor Output,
With New improved Range. ( 500' Plus )
13mm. x 21.5mm. x 6.5mm. 1.25 gm. less Wires
With #29 Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor
Part # Rx Z-T Mini Servo 1.25 / 4-Ch.......................$58.00
D/T Rx31-d 2.4 Ghz. DSM-2 ......4-Channel Servo
(4) - Channel Servo Control (2) - 2 Amp Brushed Speed Control (Twin Steer Option) 10mm. x 10mm. x 2mm. 230mg
No Battery or Motor Wires Provided unless asked for Now available with Soft Stop Motor on one out put.
Part # Rx31-d..............................................................$65.00 Part # Rx31-dSS ....Soft Stop Motor......................$72.00
(2) 2 Amp Brushed Motor Control (Twin Steer Option) (4) -Servo (3) -Actuator w/Amp Outputs Reversible 14mm. x 12mm. x 2.mm. 380mg
No Battery or Motor Wires Provided unless asked for Now available with Soft Stop Motor on one out put.
Part # Rx43d ...............................................................$59.00 Part # Rx43dSS....Soft Stop Motor.........................$65.00
HK Micro 6 2.4 Ghz. DSM-2 6-Channel Servo Receiver
Also 1 PPM output Options available: Add Brushed Motor Controller for this Rx. $10.00 Add Actuator Steering Control for this Rx. $15.00 ( See Speed Controllers & Actuator Controllers) With Programmable Fail Safe all Channels 12mm. x 12mm. x 4mm. 690 mg. ( REG. ANTENNA ) No Battery or Motor Wires Provided unless asked for
Part # Rx H-Mic Servo 6-Ch R-A..............................$15.00
HK Micro 6 2.4 Ghz. DSM-2 6-Channel Servo Receiver
Also 1 PPM output Options available: Add Brushed Motor Controller for this Rx. $10.00 Add Actuator Steering Control for this Rx. $15.00 ( See Speed Controllers & Actuator Controllers) With Programmable Fail Safe all Channels 12mm. x 12mm. x 4mm. 550 mg. ( LIGHT ANTENNA )
No Battery or Motor Wires Provided unless asked for
Part # Rx H-Mic Servo 6-Ch L-A............................$20.00
( 27 & 72 Mhz. A.M. Receivers )
Ultra Sub Micro 27Mhz. A.M. 3-Channel Actuator Rx.
With a 900 ma. Speed Control And (2) - 150 Ohm Actuator Outputs 5mm. x 6.25mm. / 70mg. Comes With Litz Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor
Part # Rx USM 27AM 3-Ch......................................$75.00
Sub Micro 27Mhz. A.M. 3-Channel Actuator Receiver OR 4-Channel Servo Receiver
with a 900 ma. Speed Control and (2) - 150 Ohm Actuator Outputs 5mm. x 10mm. / 85mg. Comes With Litz Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor Part # Rx SM 27AM 3-Ch........................................ $55.00
Part # Rx SM 72AM 3-Ch........................................ $65.00
Micro 27Mhz. A.M. 3-Channel Actuator Receiver OR 4-Channel Servo Receiver
with a 2 Amp Speed Control and (2) - 150 Ohm Actuator Outputs 6mm. x 12mm. / 100mg. With Litz Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor Part # Rx MIC 27AM 3-Ch....................................... $45.00
Part # Rx MIC 72AM 3-Ch....................................... $55.00
Sub Micro 27 Mhz. A.M. 1-Channel Receiver
For Pulse Rudder or 900 ma. On Off Motor Control 5 mm. x 7mm / 50mg. With Litz Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor
Part # Rx SM 27AM 1-Ch.......................................$55.00
Micro 27 Mhz. A.M. 1-Channel Receiver
For Pulse Rudder or 2 Amp On Off Motor Control 6 mm. x 10mm / 90mg. With Litz Wires for Battery and Brushed Motor
Part # Rx MIC 27 1-Ch..........................................$45.00